Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Digital Scribing - University of Winchester

Yesterday I was working as a digital scribe in Winchester. This event was titled 'Digital Health and Wellbeing' and the way the NHS is moving care to be more about self-managed care. There were clinicians, a computer scientist and patients, starting the conversations and learnings for the week - it's fascinating because it's the future of healthcare, but in many ways it's already here.

 Beautiful new building and calming central atrium space!

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Leaving Cards

Sometimes I get asked to draw leaving cards, so have attached a few here. My favourite was for Rhiannon, who, (in her alternative universe!) managed to erase all the things she couldn't cope with any more - like pointless meetings, Man Flu and procurement...

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Camden Evening and Night Time Citizens' Assembly - final week

Had a lovely session last week with the fabulous citizens of Camden, in a central London location. Much debate, disagreement, discussion and lots of heart in the room. 

And yes, there is a blank space in the middle of the image - the final vision is still at the 'wordsmithery' stage, so watch this space.

And here's me next to the graphic, absolutely exhausted at the end of the day!


Monday, 6 March 2023

Posters for Children's Safeguarding Partnership

I've been doing a lot of work for Merton council over the last few years, and most of it centres around healthcare and children and young people. The two subjects collide here:

And this is an alternative format for their annual report. Which background do you prefer?

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Addressing the AI Skills gap in the UK, AI in Health and Transport

I'm working at a research workshop tomorrow all about AI, the skills gap and looking at future scenarios in the healthcare and transport sector, so have done a bit of limbering up to get in the right frame of mind.

AI has been in the news a lot in the past few weeks, with ChatGBT and the development of software that creates images from text or a brief description. 

Will us scribes and illustrators still have a job in the next few years...? Maybe I'll find out tomorrow!