Monday, 27 February 2023

Camden Evening and Night Time Citizens Assembly

On Saturday I was asked to come and listen to a gathering of Camden residents as they came up with ideas for their vibrant borough. Camden has so much going on at night, but this was a chance for other voices to be heard. More on this to come!


Monday, 20 February 2023

Illustrations to enhance communication

I was asked to do these images for an organisation that is very child-focussed, and to link each priority to a scenario, in order to make each one more memorable.

This is an iterative process and so these images will be developed further with input from staff and management.


Monday, 6 February 2023

Volunteering Matters - London

Last week I was working as a graphic recorder for 'Volunteering Matters'
They are working hard to connect all the various groups that are doing such great work in and around London. It was a really refreshing and uplifting day.