Monday, 20 December 2021

RSPB - short film to promote a new membership scheme

I was commissioned by the NCP: to bring to life the future view of the RSPB membership after consulting with groups across the UK over the last 18 months.

This was made into a short film to animate the voices and ideas for the future. 

Thanks for the skilful animation by Charlie Stewart from Scram Studio: 

Apologies for the slight delay when you press play - please press twice to play:

Stills from the film below:


Website images for Depression Genetics

I was asked to create some illustrations on the theme of Depression in the study of Genetics for University College London, in collaboration with their colleagues at the University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

It was interesting to explore this with different perspectives of another culture and to collaborate with scientists and psychiatrists. I hope it helps to open up the subject to more people and to remove stigma.