Sunday, 19 March 2017

Graphic Recording in London

This week a client invited me back to draw live at an IT conference. I was there to capture the stories of the speakers and highlight key themes.

A photograph of me scribing from a previous event had been included in their brochure to (hopefully) lure the punters, and explain the term 'graphic recording':

It was an intense couple of days but most of the conference focussed on organisational culture and working well together as multifunctional 'DevOps' teams.

This is one of the rare times I can show what I've been up to as recently I've been having to sign NDA's and swear an oath of secrecy!

Friday, 3 March 2017

Posters for Moorfields Eye Hospital, London

Moorfields Eye Hospital asked me to come up with some ideas for a poster campaign with the theme 'Courage to Challenge', to give nurses and technicians, and people lower down the hospital hierarchy the support to challenge behaviours within the hospital by those higher up in staff ranks, e.g. doctors and consultants.

This was quite a tricky brief, as people find it very difficult to challenge their peers and 'superiors', and the client wanted to tread the fine line between being humorous but not belittling the subject or patronising the healthcare professionals involved.

My first attempt was not used as I tried involving animals and the metaphor of an elephant that always forgets to do things the right way - unfortunately deemed too childish for senior consultants!

So here are the ideas we arrived at: