Saturday, 27 February 2016

Logo commission

I was recently asked to draw a logo for a photography project to be launched in Nicaragua, to be called 'Nicaragua through a lens'.

The idea is to empower children through giving them access to decent cameras, training and the opportunity to develop a career, as well as football training, which all sounds fantastic.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Creativity workshop Southbank Centre, London

Last weekend I was asked to take part in an open day at the Southbank Centre in central London for their 'Strive' youth programme:

In a drop-in workshop I asked them to concentrate and ask themselves:
"What are you striving for?" and finish the sentence: "I strive to..."

I then invited them to express their answers either in images or text, a sort of 'logo for living' or personal manifesto, on canvas bags. After some thought, and drawing, some examples:

It was great to meet such a variety of young people all interested in different things, but some just struggling to focus on what they really were interested in. Hopefully they will keep asking themselves the question and it can help them on their journey...

Thanks to Jess Ihejetoh for asking me to take part.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Pinterest and drawing every day

Ok, it's the 1st of February - woohoo, January is out of the way!

At the beginning of the year I set myself a small challenge, of drawing/printing/creating something every day. It's observational drawing mainly because I could do with the practise.

Here are a few examples from last month, indoors and out and about:

I've uploaded the images onto a Pinterest board: